
[Feature Request] Add itemBuilder and sliver support.

idish opened this issue · 4 comments

idish commented

itemBuilder is very important feature, so we can build the items on demand, and not supply all the children at once.
sliver support is important as well, as if we can create custom scrolling experience. (Check SliverReorderableList).

Thanks for this amazing library! A very needed flutter capability indeed.

Sorry for the late.

Please try 2.0.0-alpha.1. See example/lib/demo_grid_builder.drat for detail.

You need set

          crossAxisSpacing: 10,
          mainAxisSpacing: 10,
          crossAxisCount: 3,
          childAspectRatio: 0.6,

twrice for now, because this lib use those to calc the position of child.

idish commented

That looks great, thanks!. Is there a way to add an header to that view? (or better yet - use that view as a sliver?)

Sorry for so late. My work is not about flutter recently. You can try 2.1.0-alpha-1 if still need, bring the ReorderableSliverGridView.count.

I will close this for now, because 2.2.0 impl the ReorderableSliverGridView. Reopen it if still have some issue.