
Can't load Google Drive using non-default profiles

ReporterX opened this issue · 8 comments

Firefox 48.0
Multifox 3.2.3beta2

The main page keeps loading forever when I use non-default profiles.

What's wrong?
Thank you.

Having the same issue, previously it worked fine (even with the warning about indexDB)

Apparently Google Drive is now relying on indexedDB. Multifox won't work with it. :-|

I've the same issue since some days.

Firefox 47.0
Addon 3.2.3

Got the same issue, so there will be no workaround for this problem? :(

What about Firefox Container Tab feature? I'm not sure it is enabled in release versions.

Thanks for ide, seems that in Nightly version we already have container tabs: - I will test it.

Some days ago I noticed that on Firefox 52 this problem doesn't happen anymore.
So on this browser version I'm able to open drive page on a not default profile again

dapgo commented

#255 (comment)
how can be checked if a web/service is using indexedDB?
I need Multifox for only XUL browser (Basilisk, PaleMoon) and it works in most pages but there are problems with some webpages relaying in Microsoft cloud services

Browser console Messages:

hh:mm:ss.mmm Strict-Transport-Security: The site specified a header that could not be parsed successfully
hh:mm:ss.mmm Attempt to set a forbidden header was denied: Content-length

hh:mm:ss.mmm Attempt to set a forbidden header was denied: Connection
hh:mm:ss.mmm ReferenceError: require is not defined[Learn More] nu:9:2

hh:mm:ss.mmm IndexedDB UnknownErr: ActorsParent.cpp:599

hh:mm:ss.mmm UnknownError

hh:mm:ss.mmm downloadable font: download failed (font-family: "wf_segoe-ui_normal" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1): status=2147746065 source: