
why is this so easy?

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


All in all, this whole demo (excluding wasm_exec.js) is about 322 Bytes of code.

Hundreds of engineers have spent countless hours working on something that's almost indistinguishable from magic. Running a compiled code from Go inside JavaScript through Deno.

All it takes is 322 Bytes to expose code from a different language inside a JavaScript runtime. (Let's not talk about the humongous size of the Go binary though. Just that has 2MB on its own.)


  1. Create your Golang file. For the purpose of example there is main.go.
  2. Run the build command to build the WAsm file.
> env GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o deno.wasm main.go 
  1. Copy the wasm_exec.js file from GOROOT
> cp path/wasm_exec.js .
  1. Create a JS file to import the package and run it. In this example it's deno.js
  2. Run the program
> deno run --allow-read deno.js
# Hello from Deno! 🦕