
Adding an editorial comment with no change to assignees generates an error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When I attempt to leave an editorial comment on a post without changing the assignees, the message saves, but is not displayed. Instead, an error displays on the page and in the console.

This has been reproduced on both Platform Test and my local dev environment.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add multiple assignees to a post
  2. Set a workflow notification to notify all assignees by email and dashboard
  3. Add an editorial comment to the post
  4. See error

2021-04-09 at 9 36 AM

Expected behavior:

  • Comment posts with no error
  • Assignees are not attempted to be reassigned when no assignees have been added


  • How are assignees removed? It seems you can add new assignees and change assignees, but not remove existing assignees. Is there a UI element missing where assignee names appear in the Assignees dropdown box that allows you to deselect selected assignees?
    2021-04-09 at 9 48 AM

There's an existing issue to enable removing assignees, not sure how that will be implemented yet exactly though

I think due to some changes to the REST API this error message is new, the comment still gets added though.

Yes, the content still gets added, but you don't see it until you refresh. I think solving that issue is the immediate priority and we can worry about the UX changes for removing assignees later. I was just wondering if something actually changed and wasn't displaying.

Related issue for removing assignees: #94