
WP All Import not taking images from designated Network Media Library site

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SETUP: Wordpress 6.3 multisite with Woocommerce on all sites
Plugins WP All Import Pro

WP All Import: When trying to import images in either product or category imports the images do not take from the designated media library in this case site 1.

WP All Import looks for the images within and uploads images to**sites** (where "sg" is the multisite)

instead of (where "sg" is the multisite)

If I disable NWL and upload images to the sub-site and run the import the images show, but when I activate NWL the image don't show.

I'm not sure if this is an issue with WP All import or NWL.
Also perhaps there should be a way of allowing local sub-site images to be shown, so first check the sub-site if there are matching images, if yes, then use them, if no then revert to the designated site.

NWL is fantastic but this inability to map images to the categories/products using WP All Import is quite a massive drawback.