
Do not empty kill ring when save a file

humitos opened this issue · 3 comments

Steps to reproduce it:

  1. open emacs with this configuration (use docker)
  2. create new Python file, C-x C-f
  3. write something on it
  4. save the file, C-x C-s
  5. select a region, C-SPC
  6. C-w (removes it and put it in the kill ring) / the same happens when killing the line C-k
  7. C-y (it should yank it from the kill ring)
  8. save the file, C-x C-s
  9. C-y

in the last step, it will yank a different thing from the kill ring nothing will be inserted since the kill ring is empty.

Only the values that were C-w are removed from the kill ring, and this not happen in regular Text files.

I test this with other modes and it doesn't happen, so it's something tied to elpy or python-mode or some of the autosave commands that I have configured.