This repository provides various examples of how to deploy Hummingbot using Docker.
- 1
Credentials - Unable to add dydx_v4_perpetual
#65 opened by rapcmia - 2
- 1
Portfolio - Error getting last traded prices for some connectors (HTX, ascendex) / trading pairs
#57 opened by nikspz - 1
- 1
- 3
A question about deploy
#61 opened by hack3rcon - 1
- 0
`development` branch is out-of-date
#59 opened by intelliot - 0
- 1
PMM Dynamic - Getting ValueError: If using all scalar values, you must pass an index
#51 opened by rapcmia - 0
- 1
Credentials - Create account accepts blank space
#48 opened by rapcmia - 1
Deploy - Unable to docker compose emqx
#46 opened by rapcmia - 0
- 1
Deploy - Set hummingbot as default image
#45 opened by rapcmia - 2
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autostart_hummingbot_compose fails - No such file or directory... .password_verification
#20 opened by superclarkk - 0
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阿里云部署,connect 连接超时
#39 opened by zzzhao2023 - 1
Broken Documentation Links (Minor)
#41 opened by VeXHarbinger - 4
Generating gateway certs does not work anymore
#33 opened by Arnique - 1
"Seeking Assistance with an Issue Related to Gateway Disconnection in Hummingbot"
#29 opened by Baiqu - 4
log errors
#28 opened by jacobabiola - 4
json: cannot unmarshal number ERROR
#7 opened by cryptojorge - 0
Error running simple docker compose
#1 opened by fengtality