

Primary LanguageRust



  1. clone该项目到本地

  2. 本地新建项目demo文件夹 mkdir demo cd demo

  3. 新建项目文件 touch Cargo.toml touch README.md

  4. 从模板项目copy文件 cp -r ../rust-project-template/deny.toml . cp -r ../rust-project-template/.github . cp -r ../rust-project-template/.pre-commit-config.yaml . cp -r ../rust-project-template/.pre-commit-config.yaml . cp -r ../rust-project-template/_typos.toml .

  5. 初始化项目,版本控制 git init

  6. 设置git提交用户信息,多账户隔离 cd ./.git git config user.name "your name" git config user.email "your email address"

  7. 项目根目录执行命令安装pre-commit cd .. 》pre-commit install pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

  8. 提交代码 》git status On branch master

No commits yet

Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

  1. 构建项目目录 cargo new abi --lib 所有protocol buffer和gRPC自动生成的代码都放到一个crate中,然后为其中的代码生成trait,然后再在别的项目中使用

cargo new my-project-name --lib

新建可执行的项目 cargo new my-project-service

  1. 修改my-project-name项目文件中Cargo.toml中name,方便提交到crate.io,避免冲突

  2. 配置workspace demo目录下Cargo.toml,添加 [workspace] members = [ "abi", "my-project-name", "my-project-service", ]

  3. 构建项目 cargo build

Compiling my-project-service v0.1.0 (/Users/uh/Documents/sourcecode/github/rust-project-template/my-project-service) Compiling my-project-name v0.1.0 (/Users/uh/Documents/sourcecode/github/rust-project-template/my-project-name) Compiling abi v0.1.0 (/Users/uh/Documents/sourcecode/github/rust-project-template/abi) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.54s

  1. github新建参考 登录github.com, new repository

  2. 推荐本地代码至github上 git remote add origin https://github.com/humyna/rust-project-template.git git branch -M main git push -u origin main