
Feature request: support from installing Wordpress from RPM

Opened this issue · 2 comments

At our site we traditionally install Wordpress from an RPM, packaged in the EPEL repo. Would it be possible to allow your module to handle this?

Basically I think it would just need a parameter to tell your module simply to use a package{} resource in Puppet instead of grabbing the tarball from the web and untarring it.


I'd love to see this implemented too.

Until then, as a workaround, you can do this:

  • Create a file wordpress-fake.tar.gz. This file must contain just another file wordpress/index.php, which can be empty if you want.
  • Write a little module than installs Wordpress from an RPM and copies this wordpress-fake.tar.gz to its location before calling wordpress class to install wordpress.

This way, this module doesn't try to download wordpress, then extracts a sigle file from your fake tar.gz, and it will modify /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php and create the database.

  package { 'wordpress' :
    ensure => 'present'.
    before => Class['wordpress'],

file { "/etc/wordpress/wordpress-fake.tar.gz" :
    ensure  => 'present',
    source  => 'puppet:///modules/my_module/wordpress-fake.tar.gz',

class { 'wordpress':

Any progress on this? Thanks 😄