
Can't Install Because of puppetlabs/concat

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This dependency is causing puppet to fail:

dependency 'puppetlabs/concat', '>= 1.0.0'
==> default: Error executing puppet module install. Check that this command succeeds:
==> default: puppet module install --version 2.0.1 --target-dir /etc/puppet/.tmp/librarian/cache/source/puppet/forge/forgeapi_puppetlabs_com/puppetlabs-concat/2.0.1 --module_repository --modulepath /etc/puppet/.tmp/librarian/cache/source/puppet/forge/forgeapi_puppetlabs_com/puppetlabs-concat/2.0.1 --module_working_dir /etc/puppet/.tmp/librarian/cache/source/puppet/forge/forgeapi_puppetlabs_com/puppetlabs-concat/2.0.1 --ignore-dependencies puppetlabs-concat
==> default: Error:
==> default: Warning: Setting templatedir is deprecated. See
==> default:    (at /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/settings.rb:1139:in `issue_deprecation_warning')
==> default: Error: Could not install 'puppetlabs-concat' (v2.0.1)
==> default:   No releases matching '2.0.1' are available from

The problem is that puppetlabs-concat reverted to a 1.x.x build and deleted the 2.x.x builds, but pulling from the forge still tries to grab the 2.0.1 build.