Is there a log file about the output of noise adapter???
omglet1 opened this issue · 1 comments
I am very interested in the noise adapter, because the module can measure the noisy level of each student feature adaptively and specifies a corresponding Gaussian noise to the feature to match the correct noisy level in initialization.
I would like to know more about the learning process of this module.
Can you provide a log file of the output of the adaptive noise matching module during training? Thank you.
Hi @omglet1 ,
Thank you for your interest on our paper. Sorry we do not have a log file that shows the noisy levels during the training. But we have measured some stastistical data during the training, see the figure below.
The γ indicates the noisy level of feature and (1 - γ) controls how much additional noise should be added to the student feature (larger γ, smaller additional noise). It is interesting to see that, the γ becomes smaller along with the training procedure. I think a reason to this is that the student gets better during the training, and its feature is thus being less noisier, so it requires more additional noise to match the noisy level.