A template or starter kit to build your responsive blog in AngularJs/Bootstrap with slideout menu on mobile. See it in action here, http://joecaps.com/blog/demo/angular-blog-template/
Bower is used as the tool to manage dependencies and must be installed on your system. For download instructions for your platform, see https://bower.io/.
Before you begin, Node.js, NPM, and Bower must be installed on your system. For download instructions for your platform, see http://nodejs.org/download/.
Get all required NPM modules. From the root of the folder, execute the following command on your terminal:
bower install
npm install
This downloads all dependencies.
Execute the following commands from the root of the repository:
node server.js
Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8880
Copy the folder's content inside the root of your Apache site.
Inside the source directory root, execute the command on your terminal to download dependencies:
bower install
Start Apache server and open http://{server_name} on your browser.
Ex. http://localhost
Copy the folder's content inside the subfolder.
Inside the source directory root, execute the command on your terminal to download dependencies:
bower install
Ex. Assuming the subfolder name is "site" and you're accessing it thru http://localhost/site/
Open the file "index.html" and find the "base" tag (). Change it's href value to be href="/site/" or depending upon your subfolder name.
Open the file "config.js" and change the value of "BASE_HREF" to be equal to "/site" or depending on your subfolder name. Take note that it doesn't end with a slash.
You can now access the application, http://localhost/site/