998587583 Wenhao Wu wnhwu@ucdavis.edu 05/08/2015
Content: BMLGrid/ - the source package BMLGrid.Rcheck/ - the directory generated by R CMD check command BMLGrid_1.1.tar.gz - the package tar ball TestBehavior.R - the script that tests the behavior of crunBMLGrid1(). TestRunningTime.R - the script that compares the running time of runBMLGrid(), crunBMLGrid1() and crunBMLGrid2() for rho = 0.1 : 0.7 : 0.1, N =10000 and l = 128, 256, 512, 1024. PlotSpeedUp.R - Compute and plot the speed up of average running time from runBMLGrid() to crunBMLGrid1() and crunBMLGrid2() based on the data computed by TestRunningTime.R. TestRunningTimeVsNumstep.R - the script that compares the running time of runBMLGrid(), crunBMLGrid1() and crunBMLGrid2() for N =1000 : 10000 : 1000, rho = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and l = 256. report/ - the directory containing the latex source code and PDF file of the report for Assignment 3 (or 4 if the mini assignment is considered 3). Data/ - the directory containing the csv format data (raw and summarized) for the figures in our report.