Issue with unlink($event->output) when a schedule is run and generates log
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Cool plugin! One thing i ran into was surrounding the run in background option enabled.
Error Exception:
unlink(C:\www\project_name\storage\logs/schedule-9243a64550643fef78bde91408a68f3696d733c1.log): Resource temporarily unavailable
This is where it throws:
$event->onFailure( function () use ($task, $event, $command) { $this->createLogFile($task, $event, 'critical'); if ($task->log_error) { $this->createHistoryEntry($task, $event, $command); }}); $event->after(function () use ($event) { unlink($event->output); });
On: vendor\husam-tariq\filament-database-schedule\src\Console\Scheduling\Schedule .php: 111
I have yet to test this a staging, appreciate any help on this.
I'm on Laravel 10.42, Filament: 3.2.11
please make sure from the permissions of the storage folder
try to run this command in your terminal to change the folder permissions
chmod -R 775 storage