
Vote NEW Name for QssStylesheetEditor

hustlei opened this issue · 4 comments

The software name QssStylesheetEditor is too long, and in a little weird. so I think maybe the software name should be changed. Which is is more suitable, or is ther better name suggestion?

zh-CN: chinese translation:QssStylesheetEditor这个名字太长了,并且ss本就是Stylesheet的缩写,有点不顺口,所以想改个名字,请提个建议吧

or custom option?

QssEditor is good, but the software QssEditor is available now, so it may can't be the same name. May be QssEditorPlus is a option?

zh-CN: QssEditor 这个名字很好,但是已经有人用了o(╥﹏╥)o

good job . i needed qss styler. xiexie

good job . i needed qss styler. xiexie

thx for your good idea

tyw66 commented

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