
What can i do to run as admin

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I assigned a account like a admin and how to make a problem or contest. many thanks

assigned admin to gain administrator privilege works only on my fork
if you are working with this fork , you need to use sql

insert into privilege values('admin','adminsitrator','N');

to get the same thing

run command:

php artisan assign:admin

will ask you some question about your admin account

@freefcw I have runned assign command and success. but which route to navigate to management page?

@zhblue can your folk run on window?

Nothing to show...

web always works on windows ,while the judged and judge_client don't without VM

owner. I need your help


Sorry, I have ill for some days

You should run

npm run prod
npm run admin-prod

npm run prod will generate front resources
npm run admin-prod will generate admin resrouces

please try this

@freefcw many thanks for ur supporting. I'll try

@zhblue can your folk run on window?
a package for windows available now