
Code navigation: queries

vadimkantorov opened this issue · 5 comments

What variables correspond to queries q_{t-1} and q_t in the main module (if I understand it well)?

In what variable are q_0they stored? Is it happening in EmbeddingRPNHead?

Thank you!

Hi, @vadimkantorov ! Thanks for your interest in our Work.
object_feats is exact the q_{t-1} and q_t.
q_0 is stored in EmbeddingRPNHead.

Thank you!

Do you attach a loss to every stage of mask processing? Or only to the last stage?

All losses l_cls, l_box, l_mask are added to every stage to achieve deep supervision.

Thank you!

Do you attach a loss to every stage of mask processing? Or only to the last stage?

All DETR-like systems need deep supervision in their decoder.

Thanks for clarifications!