
Im will to pay for your help! trouble defining stuff like PF_MESSAGES_CLASS_NAME.

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@huyouare Hello I already have this app working for swift 3 but Im having trouble with the understanding the stuff you have in the parenthesis like "PF_MESSAGES_CLASS_NAME" and "PF_MESSAGES_GROUPID" and exactly how to connect everything. I have an upwork account and I will pay you 10$ if you can help me define and connect everything exactly. I basically have the messenger working but naming the classes is difficult. I have a social media app were users post their favorite items. And when a user clicks on a cell, a detail page shows up where any other user can message the creator of the post. Is this messenger good for that and could you help me with naming each class and connecting the messenger/ messages to a certain posting. Thanks

@huyouare I really need your help. I'm using parse server with parse frameworks so your help will benefit me