
BostonHacks :dog2: :computer: :earth_americas:

Primary LanguageHTML

The 2017 Bostonhacks Site

Todos (Nico)

  • Create a proper errorHandler function
  • Make sure progressContainer's divs dont wrap
  • Change all the "../../" references for js and css to root directory references
  • Change "message" to "errorMessage" in all the views where messages are realy just errors
  • Sort out DevOps situation (Make server logs go to file we can tail)

Process for installing and running

  • Clone git, and type npm install
  • Install MongoDB (if not already installed): https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/administration/install-community/
    • Create directory /data/db. Note directory for following step. Other directory names may be used, but /data/db is the default for mongo.
    • Change permissions for /data/db to read/write for user which will run mongo. Example: sudo chown -R `id -u` /data/db on Mac.
    • Run mongo with mongod.
  • Duplicate SAMPLE-.env file, and rename to .env. See SAMPLE file for details on fields
  • Run with node server.js

In order to utilize My.MLH and Sendgrid, reach out to Nico for the required environment variables!

Before Contributing

Please ensure that any PRs pass the Standard linter