
reloading the page signs the user out

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It seems that the sessions created in this app are not persistent and every time I reload the page, the user automatically becomes signed out. Also tried this suggestion of using connect-mongo module, but didn't work:

@aliwebir yeah I've been trying to get session working but there are so many implementations I'm still finding ways how is not done ;)

So after really discovering all the wrong ways to do this, I finally got a solution using cookies.

  .controller('authController', function ($scope, $http, $rootScope, $location, $cookies) {
$scope.login = function () {
      $http.post('/auth/login', $scope.user).success(function (data) {
        if (data.state == 'success') {
          $cookies.put('user', JSON.stringify(data.user))
          $rootScope.authenticated = true
          $rootScope.current_user = data.user
        } else {
          $scope.error_message = data.message
  • Add a routeChangeStart listener to the module to check if the cookie has user information
var app = angular.module('yourApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource', 'ngCookies'])
.run(function ($rootScope, $http, $location, $cookies) {
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function (event, next, current) {
      var user = JSON.parse($cookies.get('user'))
      if (user === null) {
        if (next.templateUrl === 'views/auth/login.html') {
        } else {
      } else {
        $rootScope.authenticated = true
        $rootScope.current_user = user

Hope this helps, can't believe all the time it took to do this hahaha, later!

This helps a lot, but I think you still need to edit the cookie when the user logs out.

@ryand626 Oh of course! I noticed that after I posted here but forgot to edit this xD

@Beatusvir thanks for the solution! However I believe you are bypassing the register page. How does the next.templateUrl === 'views/auth/login.html' conditional work? Is that a path we set somewhere? I am trying to recreate it with register.html but cannot get it to work.

@kunalnaik Let me check it out. I should have the code somewhere to see what I did (and if I did something about it hahahah)

Edit. mmm nothing here on github, thought I forked it ๐Ÿ˜ž, I'll check @ home later see what I can find.

Hey @Beatusvir, did you find anything?

@kunalnaik I forgot ๐Ÿ˜ž ... I added an alarm now! I'm about to head home, I should respond in about 3 hours (need to get something to eat ๐Ÿ˜„)

@kunalnaik I can't find my modified code. All I see is some incomplete chirp code ๐Ÿ˜ญ.
FWIR the (next.templateUrl === 'views/auth/login.html') (notice is after user cookie is null). What I mean with that is, if the user cookie is null it means the user is not authenticated, so, unless the next route is login (so he can actually, login) I will redirect to login. If user is not null I set rootscope variable of user so I can in other routes just check for that rootscope value. I'm not sure if I made myself clear.

Darn. And yep I understood your logic, and it does work! However my thinking is that it doesn't really matter if the user is going to the login page since we are redirecting them there anyways, and rather that it is important to check if the user is attempting to go the the Register page so they can create a new account. Here is my code:

`// checks for authentication on page refresh
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event, next, current) {
// var for user stored in session cookie
var user = '';
if(typeof $cookies.get('user') == 'string') {
user = JSON.parse($cookies.get('user'));

    console.log("tried to grab cookie");
    // no logged in user, we should be going to #login
    if (user == '') {
        console.log("not auth'd");
        $rootScope.authenticated = false;
        $rootScope.current_user = '';
        if (next.templateUrl === 'views/auth/register.html') {
            // if link is to register page, allow
            console.log("directing to register");
        else {  // otherwise redirect to login
            console.log("redirecting to login");
    // logged in session exists, set current user as authenticated
    else {
        console.log("yes, auth'd");
        $rootScope.authenticated = true;
        $rootScope.current_user = user;
        // $location.path('/');

With this, I get redirected to the login page if not auth'd. However this also applies to the register page so i am never able to create a new account :( . Any ideas? (also apologies for the weird formatting, couldn't get it right)

Mmm can't recall, I may have done something about it but not sure. Or maybe I just got cookies working for auth and didn't even notice register wasn't working lol. It wasn't for a project or anything so not sure how far I got it.

Oh ok, thanks for checking it out though! Do you know what the 'views/auth/login.html' path points to? Is that where you placed your login.html partial or is it something related to the authentication.js api? That's where I am most confused and don't know how to replicate it for the Register page.

Yes that was for the login.html page. I remember I did something similar @ work for a custom login controller (C# MVC). Every time the URL changes, if it's not for login / register I redirect. Here is a screenshot:

In short: If the controller where the user is trying to redirect is not Account, where both login and register are, I'll check if he's authenticated with a session value and redirect accordingly. There is another validation there but is related to some permission for an admin page.

OK I figured it out. The issue was that next.templateUrl was undefined for me, and instead simply next provided the URL we wanted. So I just checked the next for 'register' instead of checking if next.templatUrl equaled the url for register. Here is my code (in case anyone else needs it):
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (event, next, current) {
// var for user stored in session cookie
var user = '';
if(typeof $cookies.get('user') == 'string') {
user = JSON.parse($cookies.get('user'));

    console.log("tried to grab cookie");
    // no logged in user, we should be going to #login
    if (user == '') {
        $rootScope.authenticated = false;
        $rootScope.current_user = '';
        if (next.includes('register')) {
            // if link is to register page, allow
            console.log("not auth'd, directing to register");
        else {  // otherwise redirect to login
            console.log("not auth'd, redirecting to login");
    // logged in session exists, set current user as authenticated
    else {
        console.log("yes, auth'd");
        $rootScope.authenticated = true;
        $rootScope.current_user = user;
        // $location.path('/');

Again, apologies for the formatting. Cheers.

Great! ๐Ÿ‘ Hopefully people will be able to fully implement this system because these guys just dropped that half baked code here and didn't look back.

Good Thread..!! I initially encountered it.
The above code works..
Just a small change
$rootScope.current_user = user.username;

kunalnaik solution is spot on... except I couldn't get my user to ever logout. So I add some code to the sign out function to remove the cookie. After that, everything worked as intended.

$rootScope.signout = function(){
    console.log('Got into signout');
    if(typeof($cookies.get('user')) == 'string') {
      $rootScope.authenticated = false;
      $rootScope.current_user = '';
      $cookies.remove('user'); //, { path:'/', domain:'localhost'} this object may be necessary in some situations
      console.log('Got into signout & removed cookie');