
Co-source or status quo?

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We actually define sources individually.
But some data given by the UNHCR is made thanks to the collaboration of up to 3 organizations. In this case a count is reported with 3 lines for keeping the information that it comes from the collaboration of 3 organizations. It means the UNHCR data is split, and the sources names are later concatenated to show the user that some reports are done thanks to this collaboration.

So what is the best way? Manage sources individually or create a co-source?

In the first case, we recognize that it is a collaborative source because the data is in the same container (same validity date) and they have the same count; it is up to the developer to make a relevant query and interpret it well. Let's confirm that, but I believe it is possible to have the same count, the same day, and maybe reported at the same time. So in this case how to make sure it is a collaborative effort or a perfect match of counting by 2 different organization? If it is confirmed it can happen, it is of course a rare case.

In the second case, is it correct to adapt the standard to have a co-source linked to individual sources? Should we create all combinations of source? How?

Actually we have the following scheme:
Population hxl:source Organisation1
Population hxl:source Organisation2
Population hxl:source Organisation3

Proposition to discuss:
Population hxl:source Organisation1_Organisation2_Organisation3
Organisation1_Organisation2_Organisation3 "hasCollaborator" Organisation1
Organisation1_Organisation2_Organisation3 "hasCollaborator" Organisation2
Organisation1_Organisation2_Organisation3 "hasCollaborator" Organisation3