
Serverless ECS plugin tailored for hybridless usage

Primary LanguageTypeScript

serverless-ecs-plugin Node.js Package

⚠ WARNING: Plugin under initial development .
Exceptions, breaking changes and malfunctioning is expected til 0.1.0 is reach.
Documentation is also not up to date.


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This plugin will create a cluster, load balancer, vpc, subnets, and one or more services to associate with it. This plugin implements the following approaches:

  • Public VPC / Public ALB / Public Subnet
  • Private VPC / Private ALB / Private Subnet

If you would like to reference the VPC elsewhere (such as other clusters). The VPC will be called VPC{stage} where {stage} is the stage in the serverless.yml. The subnets will be called SubnetName{stage}{index} where {stage}is the stage in the serverless.yml, and {index} references the index of the subnet that was specified in the subnets array. THESE ARE NOT ADDED TO OUTPUT. So you can only reference them in the same serverless.yml / same cf stack.


  • This plugin only supports AWS provider
  • Docker image must be built / uploaded / and properly tagged (this can be done by @hybridless/hybridless plugin)


  [serverless.yml content]
  ecs: Array<{
    tags: {
      owner: Me
      Customer: You
    enableContainerInsights?: boolean; //default is respecting account settings
    //Load balancer
    albPrivate?: boolean; //default to false, and only considered when auto creating ALB (no listener specified)
    albDisabled?: boolean; //tasks can have exposed ports (to private VPC) but no alb attached to it
    albListenerArn?: string; //custom ALB by specifying its listener
    timeout?: number; //ALB timeout, defaults to 30
    //ECS cluster
    clusterArns?: { //Indicates if the cluster will not be created and an shared ECS cluster should be used instead
        ecsClusterArn: string; //ECS cluster ARN
        ecsIngressSecGroupId: string; //Ingress ECS VPC Group 
    clusterName: string; //required, cluster name
    executionRoleArn?: string; // execution role for services, generated if not specified
    vpc?: {
        //if this options are specified it will create a VPC
        cidr: string;
        subnets: string[]; // subnet cidrs
        //If this options are specified it will attach to existing VPC.
        //all of then are required, if one missing it will turn to self-created 
        //VPC as described above -- All vpc parameters below are intrinsic safe 
        //ivars meaning that all of then accept intrinsic functions 💪
        vpcId: string;
        securityGroupIds: string[] | any;  //object allows intrinsict functions
        subnetIds: string[] | any;  //object allows intrinsict functions
        albSubnetIds?: string[] | object; //object allows intrinsict functions -- will superseed subnetsIds for the ALB if specified
    //Services/tasks (1:1)
    services: Array<{
        name: string; // name of the service
        environment: { [key: string]: string }; // environment variables passed to docker container
        propagateTags?: ('OFF' | 'SERVICE' | 'TASK' ); //defaults to off

        //Service auto scaling
        autoScale?: {
              min?: number; //default to 1
              max?: number; //default to 1
              metric: AutoScalingMetricType;
              cooldown?: number; //defaults to 30
              cooldownIn?: number; //defaults to cooldown but has priority over it
              cooldownOut?: number; //defaults to cooldown but has priority over it
              targetValue: number;
              //Step based AS
              scaleIn?: {
                  adjustmentType?: 'ChangeInCapacity' | 'ExactCapacity' | 'PercentChangeInCapacity'; //defaults to ChangeInCapacity
                  cooldown?: number; //default to 300
                  aggregation: 'Average' | 'Maximum' | 'Minimum';
                  minAdjustmentMagnitude?: number; //Should only be used with PercentChangeInCapacity
                  scaleBy?: number; //defaults to 1 or -1
                  //scaling metric
                  metricNamespace: string;
                  metricName: string;
                  metricDimension: string;
                  metricDimensionTarget: string;
                  metricPeriod?: number; //defaults to 120
                  metricEvaluationPeriod?: number; //defaults to 1
                  operator: 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'GreaterThanThreshold' | 'LessThanThreshold' | 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerThreshold' | 'GreaterThanUpperThreshold';
                  targetValue: number;
                  //additional config (scaling metric)
                  metricDependsOn?: string | string[];
                  additionalDimension?: { dimension: string, target: string }[];
                  treatMissingData?: ' breaching' | 'notBreaching' | 'ignore' | 'missing'; //defaults to notBreaching
                  fillupMissingData?: any; //fillup value is used on absence of data. default to false, true uses '0', number can be specified instead if any other fillup values is needed.
              scaleOut?: {
                  adjustmentType?: 'ChangeInCapacity' | 'ExactCapacity' | 'PercentChangeInCapacity'; //defaults to ChangeInCapacity
                  cooldown?: number; //default to 300
                  aggregation: 'Average' | 'Maximum' | 'Minimum';
                  minAdjustmentMagnitude?: number; //Should only be used with PercentChangeInCapacity
                  scaleBy?: number; //defaults to 1 or -1
                  //scaling metric
                  metricNamespace: string;
                  metricName: string;
                  metricDimension: string;
                  metricDimensionTarget: string;
                  metricPeriod?: number; //defaults to 120
                  metricEvaluationPeriod?: number; //defaults to 1
                  operator: 'GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'GreaterThanThreshold' | 'LessThanThreshold' | 'LessThanOrEqualToThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerOrGreaterThanUpperThreshold' | 'LessThanLowerThreshold' | 'GreaterThanUpperThreshold';
                  targetValue: number;
                  //additional config (scaling metric)
                  metricDependsOn?: string | string[];
                  additionalDimension?: { dimension: string, target: string }[];
                  treatMissingData?: ' breaching' | 'notBreaching' | 'ignore' | 'missing'; //defaults to notBreaching
                  fillupMissingData?: any; //fillup value is used on absence of data. default to false, true uses '0', number can be specified instead if any other fillup values is needed.
        //Load balancer
        hostname?: string | string[]; //optional hostname for filter on ALB 
        limitSourceIPs?: string | string[]; //optional limit source IPs on ALB (only request made by the specified source IPs are allowed)
        limitHeaders?: { name: string, value: string | string[] }[]; //optional limit headers on ALB (only requests made with the specified headers are allowed)
        path?: string | { path: string, method?: string, priority: number }[]; // path which the ALB should send traffic to, defaults '*' (everything) and users priority 1 on the ALB
        listeners?: Array<{
            //If specifing a listener, you should have or the protocol or the port set,
            //otherwise a random port will be attached to it
              //If not albProtocol is set, this port will not be attached to the ALB
            albProtocol?: "HTTP" | "HTTPS";
            port?: number; // 443 for HTTPS
            containerPort?: number; // If container port is different than the one exposed on the ALB, container port can be specified, e.g. 8080
            certificateArns?: string[]; // needed for https
            authorizer?: {
              poolArn: string;
              clientId: string;
              poolDomain: string;
            }; //available on HTTPS only
        //ALB Health check
        healthCheckUri?: string; // defaults to "/"
        healthCheckProtocol?: string; // defaults to "HTTP"
        healthCheckInterval?: number // in seconds, defaults to 6 seconds
        healthCheckTimeout?: number; // in seconds, defaults to 5 seconds
        healthCheckHealthyCount?: number; // defaults to 2
        healthCheckUnhealthyCount?: number; // defaults to 2
        //concurrency and task configurations
        desiredCount?: number; // defaults to 1
        ec2LaunchType?: boolean; //defaults to false, if true will laucnh task into EC2
        cpu: number;
        memory: number;
        //docker images
        image?: string; //optional image full URL
          //optionally, can be specified individually
        imageRepository?: string; //image URL repo
        imageTag?: string; //image tag
        entryPoint?: string[]; //custom container entry point
        schedulerRate?: string; //creates event rule to invoke task the concurrency below or if not specified it will use 1
        schedulerConcurrency?: number;
        schedulerInput?: any;
        taskRoleArn?: string | object; //which role should the task have
        logsMultilinePattern?: string; //regex pattern to match multiline logs (useful for js objects for example)


  • HTTP Service with public docker image (you might encounter throtlling limitations from docker api and shadowing it to a private docker repository is highly recommended (e.g.: ECS or Github registry))

    service: MyService
      - '@hybridless/serverless-ecs-plugin'
      name: aws
      stage: ${env:stage, 'local'}
      region: ${env:region, 'ca-central-1'}
      - timeout: 10
        clusterName: Ghost
          Test: 123
          - name: ghost
            cpu: 1024
            memory: 2048
            desiredCount: 1
              NODE_ENV: development
            path: "/"
            image: ghost
              - albProtocol: HTTP
                port: 80
                containerPort: 2368

####Outputs For the configuration above CF will have the reference ECSTestClusterExampleNameServiceHTTP to be used on your serverless template as ${cf:stackName.ECSTestClusterExampleNameServiceHTTP}

For more information about your stack name, please, check here