
"children" fabric causes TypeScript error

Qsppl opened this issue · 4 comments

import { children, define } from "https://esm.sh/hybrids@8.2.11"

export interface IFirstComponent extends HTMLElement {
    prop2: number

const FirstComponent = define<IFirstComponent>({
    tag: "a-first",
    prop2: 0

export interface ISecondComponent extends HTMLElement {
    prop1: number
    childСomponents: IFirstComponent[]

export default define<ISecondComponent>({
    tag: "a-second",
    prop1: 0,
    childСomponents: children(FirstComponent)



Type 'Descriptor<ISecondComponent, IFirstComponent>' is not assignable to type 'Property<ISecondComponent, IFirstComponent[]>'.
  Type 'Descriptor<ISecondComponent, IFirstComponent>' is not assignable to type 'Descriptor<ISecondComponent, IFirstComponent[]>'.
    Types of property 'value' are incompatible.
      Type 'IFirstComponent | undefined' is not assignable to type 'IFirstComponent[] | undefined'.
        Type 'IFirstComponent' is not assignable to type 'IFirstComponent[]'.


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2020",
    "module": "ESNext",
    "strict": true,
    "baseUrl": "./web",
    "paths": {
      // "/" is not "C:/", but is "./web"
      "/*": [ "*" ],
      // from module to their declaration
      "/modules/fingerprintjsv3.js": ["../node_modules/@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs/dist/fp"],
      "https://esm.sh/mitt@3.0.1": ["../node_modules/mitt/index"],
      "https://esm.sh/just-intersect@4.3.0": [ "../node_modules/just-intersect/index" ],
      "https://esm.sh/bootstrap@5.3.2": ["../node_modules/@types/bootstrap/index"],
      "https://esm.sh/hybrids@8.2.11": ["@types/hybrids"],
      "https://esm.sh/colorjs.io@0.4.5": ["../node_modules/colorjs.io/types/src/index"],
      "https://esm.sh/ts-debounce@4.0.0": ["../node_modules/ts-debounce/dist/src/index"],
      "https://esm.sh/mezr@1.1.0": ["../node_modules/mezr/dist/esm/index"]
    "skipLibCheck": true
  "include": [ "./web" ]

typescript version: "5.1.6"

I don't have time to check every TS error (from all of your issues) - can you confirm if the problem is solved by using TS v4?

FYI: #236 (comment)

Typescript version: 4.9.5 did not solve these problems. This appears to be a typo in the types.

You're right, fixed in f29902f

I'll wait for the bumping version until tomorrow if there will be other things related to TS.

Thanks, this solved the problem