
WebRTC issue on local server

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I saw that online webRTC is down #286, but out of curiosity tried to run it myself. I cloned hydra-server and ran it. initStream works fine using the frontend included with the server!


Then I set the .env for hydra (this repo) to reference my locally running hydra-server. This seemed to work, because i only saw the stream I was broadcasting, not anyone else's.


Array(3) [ "[object Object]", "screen1", "bcB_MHPUI" ]

hydra.ojack.xyz at the time:

Array(52) [ "usSg9ha6BimoZFHkACsA", "4qgFHC538ORvDq2MADjj", ... ]

I set it to use the regular bundle.js instead of the minified, tried to run initStream, and get this error:

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: log is not defined
    <anonymous> repl.js:7
    promise callback* repl.js:7

To actually learn what the error was, I just change log to console.log in hydra/src/views/editor/repl.js. Now I get:

got stream! KrpDIG-Iuuuei_O1AAAG 
MediaStream { id: "{a2deaaf2-563b-4d78-8ffb-5f20c683ad5e}", active: true, onaddtrack: null, onremovetrack: null }

process.nextTick is not a function log-error repl.js:7:29

I don't know what to do from here. Any ideas? This doesn't sound like a COORS thing, I have no deny entries in my console.