
Navigation initiated in components to "/" results in error

westonwalker opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I have a form that on submit, saves some data and then redirects (without page reload) the user to the home page "/".

public void Submit()
  if (!Validate())
  var newContact = new Contact();
  newContact.Name = Name;
  newContact.Email = Email;


The location change results in an error. It looks like when passing "" or "/" to the Url.Page method, the resulting path is null. Network request below showing "path": null. This works fine when passing urls that aren't the home page.

Hi! The pageName parameter expects a valid Razor Page name, so it will be either "/Index" or "/Home/Index" or similar depending on your folder structure.

It seems it would be good in Hydro to check the path that is passed to Location, and if it's null or empty throw appropriate exception. Will fix.

Thanks for the quick reply. Really enjoyed using the library yesterday!