
Unable to get the Jenkins Deployment details in Hygieia Product Dashboard

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We have setup the Hygieia dashboard to view the all DevOps tools in one place.

I am running the hygieia collectors to get the sonar qube, gitlab commits etc. And also install Jenkins plugin for get the Jenkins Build and Deployment details.

Created application specific Teams board and Pipeline view in hygieia and able to get the sonar, gitlab, Jenkins build and Deployment details. enter image description here

enter image description here After created Product Dashboard to display the all application in one place. But I am only able to get the build, sonar and gitlab commit details

I am unable to get the Deployment details in Product Dashboard . image

I got below Hygieia version from pom.xml

Hygieia API -- 3.1.2-SNAPSHOT

Hygieia UI --- 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT

Can some one help me to resolve the issue.

Thank you.