
Incorrect Hyperlink Destination in Documentation for "whitepaper"

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The documentation page for "Escrow Contracts" contains a hyperlink titled "whitepaper" that is currently pointing to an incorrect URL. The hyperlink is expected to redirect users to https://docs.zano.org/docs/learn/whitepaper/, but instead, it is redirecting to https://docs.zano.org/docs/whitepaper.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Navigate to the documentation page: https://docs.zano.org/docs/use/escrow-contracts/
  2. Find the "whitepaper" hyperlink text on the page.
  3. Click on the "whitepaper" hyperlink.

Actual Results:
Upon clicking the "whitepaper" hyperlink, the user is redirected to https://docs.zano.org/docs/whitepaper.

Expected Results:
Clicking on the "whitepaper" hyperlink should redirect the user to https://docs.zano.org/docs/learn/whitepaper/.

Web Browser: (All)
Operating System: (All)
URL: https://docs.zano.org/docs/use/escrow-contracts/

Already fixed before me. Didn't find any problem