
Asset deployment error messages could be more informative

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I've been trying to deploy a CA (using simplewallet) for a community member. Max and current supply was to be 900m with 12 decimal points, but it fails with the message: "Error: Failed to load json file with asset specification". Only by deploying a test asset (with a lower supply) did it become clear that this combination of values wasn't permitted.

It'd be helpful if the error messages explained exactly why an asset deployment fails and if info on these types of restrictions were added to the docs. Thanks!

@OrsonJ thanks for the report, as it turned out deploying assets via json file has become a pain, we already working on UI version of asset's deployment/minting. Meanwhile, to figure out the issue, can you send me the json that we used and exact steps to reproduce? (because it could be RPC command or CLI wallet command). You may send it to DM to if it's better.

It was using the CLI wallet command deploy_new_asset. Here's the content of the .json file:

  "ticker": "TKN",
  "full_name": "Token",
  "total_max_supply": 900000000000000000000,
  "current_supply": 900000000000000000000,
  "decimal_point": 12,
  "meta_info": ""

It fails with the same message ("Error: Failed to load json file with asset specification: [PATH_TO_FILE]") when it can't find the json file, so it's unclear what corrective action should be taken.