
Potential typo in wiki (Initializing Window)

Closed this issue · 2 comments

On the Initializing Window section, the example given is:
swapi_createwindow(L"window", 0, 0, 600, 600);

If I am not mistaken, shouldn't it be:
swapi_initwindow(L"My Window", 0, 0, 600, 600);

According to your documentation and demo, swapi_createwindow() doesn't have arguments.

Yes, it is true. I changed a bit the code, so we would have 3 functions. init_window, create_window, and show_window. There only was create_window and show_window, so it was a typo. Thanks a lot for noticing the typo!

Now I'm going to remove the init_window function, and combine init_window with create_window, same as how it was before. Thanks again for opening this issue!