
Makes a call to in.hyperdx.io on startup. Doesn't seem to be any way to stop it.

benbot opened this issue · 2 comments

benbot commented

It looks like, by default, when a new Logger is made it default the url to in.hyperdx.io. That default value should be configurable imo.

Otherwise a call who's body includes the full path to the js file being run, the path to the node executable, and the user that's running node is sent to in.hyperdx.io.

Sorry for the late reply - totally missed this issue. The baseUrl can be specified but it isn't well documented today.

Here's an example of our own usage of this: https://github.com/hyperdxio/hyperdx/blob/e106b7577a02e2955466d69cc5b20d0d24c0ecc3/packages/api/src/utils/logger.ts#L32

Let me know if that's what you're talking about!

The default URL is now in-otel.hyperdx.io and can be configured programmatically through baseUrl. Or you can setup either OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT or OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_LOGS_ENDPOINT env vars (https://opentelemetry.io/docs/languages/sdk-configuration/otlp-exporter/)