
A reagent-interop problem in Electric

philoskim opened this issue · 4 comments

I encountered a problem on reagent-interop in Electric.

The following is the code I tweaked the existing code in Electric to show the problem.

(e/defn ReagentInterop []
    (e/for [index (range 3)]  ;; <-- here
      (dom/h1 (dom/text (str "Reagent/React Interop: " index)))  ;; <-- here
      (let [[x y] (dom/on! js/document "mousemove" (fn [e] [(.-clientX e) (.-clientY e)]))]
        ;; Adapted from https://recharts.org/en-US/examples/TinyLineChart
        (with-reagent TinyLineChart [{:name "Page A", :uv 4000, :pv 2400, :amt 2400}
                                     {:name "Page B", :uv 3000, :pv 1398, :amt 2210}
                                     {:name "Page C", :uv 2000, :pv (* 2 y), :amt 2290}  ; inject value
                                     {:name "Page D", :uv 2780, :pv 3908, :amt 2000}
                                     {:name "Page E", :uv 1890, :pv 4800, :amt 2181}
                                     {:name "Page F", :uv 2390, :pv 3800, :amt 2500}
                                     {:name "Page G", :uv 3490, :pv 4300, :amt 2100}])
        (with-reagent MousePosition x y)))))

The resultant screenshot is here.


The above code is simplified and contrived in some way but what I want here is to enumerate reagent-interopped components three times.

However, the first and second reagent-interoped components are not shown and the last indexed components are only shown.

The whole code to run locally is here.


Don't forget to execute npm install before running the example.

Problem is: reagent interop inside of efor — (e/for [index (range 3)] (with-reagent TinyLineChart ...)) — apparently only renders once

@philoskim try wrapping each with-reagent call into it's own div container. The with-reagent code writes directly into the current element in scope.

Ooh, it seems that the with-reagent macro actually includes a wrapper div, so I am wrong

Fixed in dbbd147, full code is here