
Does runV have a plan to complete the unit test?

allencloud opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, All,

I found that currently in this project unit test has not be enabled.

Here is my guess. In .travis.yml there is a command

- cd ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR} && sudo GOPATH=${GOPATH} PATH=${PATH} GOROOT=${GOROOT} hack/test-cmd.sh

Then it seems to execute hack/test-cmd.sh, and in this file details are like below:


# This command checks that the built commands can function together for
# simple scenarios.  It does not require Docker so it can run in travis.

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail

# prepare kernel and initrd
export HYPERSTARTPATH="$GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperhq/hyperstart"
export RUNVPATH="$GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperhq/runv"
cd $HYPERSTARTPATH && ./autogen.sh && ./configure && make
cp -v $HYPERSTARTPATH/build/{kernel,hyper-initrd.img} $RUNVPATH/tests/go-integration/test_data/

# do runv integration-test
make test-integration

And I guess it works as just integration test with cli, right?

I think this is not hard to take unit test into consideration. While what makes me step back is that there seems to be some unit test code not working...

And I am a freshman here in runV, so I am afraid it would take me quite much time to improve unit test code. Back to the theme, I still wish that we could enjoy the unit test here.

laijs commented

Sure. unit test is going to be added. runv is still lack of various kinds of test. We are trying to add more.