
Snap version fails to run

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

  1. Running snap version of monika fails

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install the snap version of Monika sudo snap install monika --edge
  2. Verify that it is the snap version, issue the command which monika should return /bin/snap/monika
  3. Next issue the following command 'monika -c test.yaml'

test.yaml configuration

  - id: 'mock-1'
    name: 'local-test'
      - url:
      - assertion: response.status != 200
        message: message 11

  - id: desktop
    type: desktop

Expected behavior

  • Should be able to access test.yaml
  • Should be able to probe the targets in test.yaml
  • Should be able to detect connectivity issues with the probe and generate notifications


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Distro: POP_OS!
  • Monika: v1.19.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

This is a wild guess, but I think it's because the workflow didn't build the monika-notification package in the build step?

This is a wild guess, but I think it's because the workflow didn't build the monika-notification package in the build step? https://github.com/hyperjumptech/monika/actions/runs/8281398893/workflow

yea my suspect too. good call, will look into it.