
Support browsers with < 5% share

Opened this issue · 2 comments

https://github.com/hyperledger/education-cryptomoji/blob/staging/code/part-two/client/.babelrc#L8 currently has the project supporting browsers with > 5% share, meaning that less code is transpiled.

This configuration was added to allow for the async/await keywords to work properly without causing any errors on the frontend.

Is there a way to support the transpilation of async/await keywords (perhaps with an extra plugin) such that we can support more browsers?

My original comment was more just because I was having trouble understanding what was going on. I was thinking that if you did "> 5% vs "> 0.25%" you would end up transpiling less because more modern code would be supported. But I guess it simply is not possible to transpile async/await to some lesser used browsers?

In any case, I don't think we need to spend much time on this, unless you are really curious to. We should support async/await because students should be free to use it, but there is really no reason to worry about old browsers.

Sounds good, I won't necessarily prioritize this task, but I might explore it bc I'm definitely curious!