
Broken link in docs guide for "app_developers_guide/no_sdk"

jigth opened this issue · 1 comments

jigth commented

Hello Sawtooth team, I was reading the documentation and went to the version 1.1 to see some changes in it.

After some searching found that this page has a broken link for the tutorial.

It shows like this:

  • ../_autogen/txn_submit_tutorial

But I think it should show the documentation that you already have for that version which is in one of your repositories here: https://github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-docs/blob/main/docs/core/1.1/_templates/txn_submit_tutorial.md.

If the current behavior was intended please ignore this issue, else I would recommend you to fix that part to keep the docs website a little bit better.

mtbc commented

https://sawtooth.hyperledger.org/docs/1.2/app_developers_guide/event_subscriptions.html also has apparently broken _autogen stuff in Step 1 that may have the same underlying cause as this issue.