Error while registering a new peer
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I'm experiencing the following error when registering a new peer:
WARN run{listen_addr=irohaex:1394 public_key=ed0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0}:peer_connected{peer=ed0120F39DE80953F2E91569E34DC2C6BE803B2783CD613A643767B473E6CC6EB4A736@@ conn_id=0 disambiguator=16019490207021036163}: iroha_p2p::network: Peer not present in topology is trying to connect peer_id=ed0120F39DE80953F2E91569E34DC2C6BE803B2783CD613A643767B473E6CC6EB4A736@@ topology={PeerId { address: SocketAddrHost { host: "iroha0", port: 1337 }, public_key: {digest: ed25519, payload: ed0120BF2E355CAA62293889F48B159154B86C3F1F3F557D48E4761D6544898C9DCC9F} }: false, PeerId { address: SocketAddrHost { host: "irohaex", port: 1394 }, public_key: {digest: ed25519, payload: ed0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0} }: false}
Iroha node version:
INFO iroha: Hyperledgerいろは2にようこそ!(translation) Welcome to Hyperledger Iroha! version=2.0.0-pre-rc.20 git_commit_sha="ca37b7f"
Iroha JS packages:
"@iroha2/client": "^7.0.0",
"@iroha2/crypto-core": "^1.1.1",
"@iroha2/crypto-target-bundler": "^1.1.1",
"@iroha2/crypto-target-node": "^1.1.1",
"@iroha2/crypto-target-web": "^1.1.1",
"@iroha2/data-model": "^7.0.0",
I'm executing the registration using the following API call:
curl --location 'http://localhost:5001/api/iroha/peers/register/' \
--header 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7InVzZXJpZCI6ImFkbWluIn0sImlhdCI6MTcwMzE2NzY3Mn0.chBzP4fM0amuNl5TgmQY6AX9nCKt6p5B4GrShY-4Dyc' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"host": "irohaex",
"port": 1394,
"public_key": "ed0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0"
This is the code being executed:
const registerPeer = async (host, port, payload) => {`[srv] registerPeer ${host}:${port}...`);
const {
} = datamodel;
const public_key = PublicKey({
digest_function: Algorithm('Ed25519'),
payload: Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(payload, 'hex')),
const peerId = PeerId({
address: SocketAddr('Host', SocketAddrHost({ host, port })),
const identifiableBox = IdentifiableBox('Peer', Peer({ id: peerId }));
const reg = sugar.instruction.register(identifiableBox);
const instr = sugar.executable.instructions(reg);
const { pre, client } = clientFactory();
try {
const data = await client.submitExecutable(pre, instr);`[srv] registerPeer ${host}:${port} completed ...`);
return {
} catch (error) {
return { error: error.message };
This is the topology stated on the error message above:
address: SocketAddrHost{
host: "iroha1",
port: 1338
public_key: {
digest: ed25519,
payload: ed01207060D33AF44FDD003452F04CD45F19F64FE926C252DAD6CC9F956261B0E4198A
}: false,
address: SocketAddrHost{
host: "iroha2",
port: 1339
public_key: {
digest: ed25519,
payload: ed01209BE75F396F87CCF61E4245F7121B1AFA37A01D40D33E2AD5F921FE9C3A0B995C
}: true,
address: SocketAddrHost{
host: "iroha0",
port: 1337
public_key: {
digest: ed25519,
payload: ed0120BF2E355CAA62293889F48B159154B86C3F1F3F557D48E4761D6544898C9DCC9F
}: false,
address: SocketAddrHost{
host: "iroha3",
port: 1340
public_key: {
digest: ed25519,
payload: ed0120F39DE80953F2E91569E34DC2C6BE803B2783CD613A643767B473E6CC6EB4A736
}: false,
address: SocketAddrHost{
host: "irohaex",
port: 1394
public_key: {
digest: ed25519,
payload: ed0123ED0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0
}: true
The public key for the node being registered is:
But that is wrong, it you compare it to the public key used in the API call:
For some reason Iroha is adding "ed123" and turning ed into caps, here is what i mean:
original key: ed0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0
proccesed key: ed0123ED0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0
Why is Iroha altering the public key? Should it be encoded in a different way when submitting the instruction?
This problem occurs only when submitting via SDK. If I replicate the operation using iroha_client_cli
as below, it works fine, and the peer is registered.
iroha_client_cli -c /Users/salimbene/dev/iroha2/files/config-local-adm.json peer register \
--address irohaex:1394 \
--key ed0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0
Hello Matias,
I guess the issue is with this code:
const public_key = PublicKey({
digest_function: Algorithm('Ed25519'),
payload: Uint8Array.from(Buffer.from(payload, 'hex')),
The issue is that your payload
is not a payload, but a complete public key in multihash format. Therefore, when you create datamodel.PublicKey
, you add again multihash prefix, resulting in duplication.
To handle this in the most proper way, let the crypto library handle the multihash:
import { crypto } from '@iroha2/crypto-target-node'
import { freeScope } from '@iroha2/crypto-core'
const public_key_hex = 'ed0120C69B431324D855E945B64F8DD757BDB5ED10C915C9C33ED6C1B36E06B97046F0'
const public_key = freeScope(() => crypto.PublicKey.fromMultihash(public_key_hex).toDataModel())
@0x009922 Thanks, that makes sense. I tested your solution and it did work with a minor fix.
I needed to add "hex" to fromMultiHash
like so:
const public_key = freeScope(() => crypto.PublicKey.fromMultihash('hex', public_key_hex).toDataModel())
Ah, yes, indeed. Glad it's fixed!