
Enhance web3j-maven-plugin to be compatible with Truffle since web3j is compatible with Truffle

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In web3j documentation we could find

web3j also supports the generation of Java smart contract function wrappers directly from Truffle’s Contract Schema via the Command Line Tools utility.

$ web3j truffle generate [--javaTypes|--solidityTypes] /path/to/.json -o /path/to/src/main/java -p com.your.organisation.name
And this also can be invoked by calling the Java class:

org.web3j.codegen.TruffleJsonFunctionWrapperGenerator /path/to/.json -o /path/to/src/main/java -p com.your.organisation.name
A wrapper generated this way ia “enhanced” to expose the per-network deployed address of the contract. These addresses are from the truffle deployment at the time the wrapper is generared.

What do we need to do if we want to generate a java wrapper for Truffle?
Is there any way to combine pre existing work?