- 9
Generate the ABI elements
#27 opened - 2
Failed to build solidity interface
#23 opened - 2
Update to solcJ 0.4.19
#20 opened - 4
No Java 9 compatibility
#19 opened - 1
- 9
Import file not found
#17 opened - 4
Error on mvn call
#16 opened - 2
Please upload 0.2.0 to maven central
#15 opened - 7
Does not run on "mvn compile"
#14 opened - 3
Generated code do not compile
#13 opened - 3
Lists of BigInteger as return Value
#12 opened - 1
- 2
- 5
- 2
- 1
No update to support 3.0.1?
#6 opened - 4
- 8
- 0
CI Build
#3 opened - 0
#2 opened - 1
Upload Artifact to the a maven repo
#1 opened