A simple templating engine. Syntax for expressions is: ${expr}, where expr is a key provided in a Map.
Map<String, String> mapping = Maps.newHashMap();
mapping.put("city", "Boulder");
mapping.put("state", "Colorado");
mapping.put("country", "USA");
String result = TemplateEngine.substitute("Hello ${city}, ${state} in ${country}!", mapping);
--> Hello Boulder, Colorado in USA!
Escaping of expressions can be achieved by backslash-escaping the dollar sign:
Map<String, String> mapping = Maps.newHashMap();
mapping.put("varName", "x");
String result = TemplateEngine.substitute("Expression is: \\${${varName}}", mapping);
--> Expression is: ${x}
See com.github.fullduplex.TemplateEngineExamples and com.github.fullduplex.TemplateEngineTest for more examples.