Can not open plugin manager
erh3cq opened this issue · 7 comments
Click on settings->plugin manager and get the below error. Seems to dislike QT4, is there a way around this? I am running pyqt 4.11. I can not open the UI with the newest 5. version.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\users\ericho~1\documents\github\hyperspyui\hyperspyui\", line 375, in show_plugin_manager
self.plugin_manager, self)
File "c:\users\ericho~1\documents\github\hyperspyui\hyperspyui\widgets\", line 131, in __init__
File "c:\users\ericho~1\documents\github\hyperspyui\hyperspyui\widgets\", line 152, in create_controls
File "C:\Users\Eric Hoglund\Anaconda3\envs\data-analysis\lib\site-packages\qtpy\_patch\", line 83, in setResizeMode
raise Exception('setResizeMode is only available in Qt4. Use '
Exception: setResizeMode is only available in Qt4. Use setSectionResizeMode instead.
What is your version of qtpy (not pyqt)? Considering that the error comes from that package, I would say it is the most likely suspect.
1.2.1, showing that it is the most current version. Do I need to down grade?
Actually, I don't understand why qtpy gets imported at all. Is this a dependency of hyperspy now?
It is not a dependency of hyperSpy. The third to last line suggests HyperspyUI is calling qtpy:
\hyperspyui\widgets\", line 152, in create_controls h.setResizeMode(QHeaderView.ResizeToContents)
The UI definitely uses PyQt, but as far as I know, nothing depends on qtpy. Maybe you have a plugin that import qtpy?