
fix globe and QUAD

mdsumner opened this issue · 0 comments

they are fixed, but the tests aren't: 12c1b5b

> test_check("anglr")
-- 1. Error: TRI works (@test-
subscript out of bounds
 1. rgl::plot3d(QUAD(volcano))
 2. anglr:::plot3d.QUAD(QUAD(volcano))
 4. anglr:::persp3d.QUAD(x, ...)
 6. rgl:::plot3d.mesh3d(as.mesh3d(x, ...), add = add)
 8. rgl:::shade3d.mesh3d(x, ...)

-- 2. Failure: as.mesh3d on qu
`as.mesh3d(rr)` produced warnings.

-- 3. Error: auto_3d does some
subscript out of bounds
  1. testthat::expect_message(...)
  7. anglr:::plot3d.QUAD(QUAD(volcano))
  9. anglr:::persp3d.QUAD(x, ...)
 11. rgl:::plot3d.mesh3d(as.mesh3d(x, ...), add = add)
 13. rgl:::shade3d.mesh3d(x, ...)

-- 4. Error: mesh_plot works (
subscript out of bounds
 1. anglr::mesh_plot(r)
 2. anglr:::mesh_plot.BasicRaster(r)
 4. anglr:::mesh_plot.mesh3d(...)

== testthat results  =========
[ OK: 78 | SKIPPED: 0 | WARNINGS: 9 | FAILED: 4 ]
1. Error: TRI works (@test-TRI.R#5) 
2. Failure: as.mesh3d on quads is working (@test-as.mesh3d.R#78) 
3. Error: auto_3d does something (@test-auto_3d.R#4) 
4. Error: mesh_plot works (@test-mesh_plot.R#20) 

Error: testthat unit tests failed
Execution halted

2 errors x | 0 warnings v | 0 notes v
Error: R CMD check found ERRORs
Execution halted

Exited with status 1.