
Make directory ':'

Quartaer opened this issue · 2 comments

Command tried:
loc = blocks_sf, # My Data by package:GISTools, data(newhaven), blocks as sf-Objekt
max_tiles = 4,
base_url = "http://tile.stamen.com/toner-lite/{zoom}/{x}/{y}")

Failed to make directory ' ... AppData/Local/Cache/.ceramic/http:': invalid argument .

'...http:' the sign ":" is too much

I don't know sorry, fwiw this works for me on Linux:

im <-   ceramic::cc_location(
    loc = raster::extent(100, 120, -20, 30), 
    max_tiles = 4,
    base_url = "http://tile.stamen.com/toner-lite/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png")

you don't need the GISTools object, that's a bit extra work to get so if you can use examples that are easier to run it's very welcome

I'm not sure what I can do about this custom style. I'll keep trying but there's too many changes to track this one atm