
Adjust Activity Pub configs to include dripline and cosmos

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Making progress on the Activity Pub integration;

I noticed in the commit linked above that the notifications only include Hypha Does Cosmos.
I believe this is due to incomplete settings in _config.yml

  • Fix _config.yml to include Dripline posts
  • Consider renaming the inbox to HyphaCoop instead of Dripline to include all activity under one account

Would it be preferred to create two accounts and keep notifications separate for Dripline and Hypha Does Cosmos

Would it be preferred to create two accounts and keep notifications separate for Dripline and Hypha Does Cosmos

We can test this when hyphacoop/social.distributed.press#15 is implemented, because you'd need two actors (ie @dripline@hypha.coop and @cosmos@hypha.coop)