
Data review and synthesis

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Data review and synthesis

This has been delayed as the survey has not yet gone out.

Survey complete with 83 responses

See email for raw data sheet!

Analysis worksheet for Q19 (text input): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oWqaJLlDIbCjt9s5GTpQdjKflilMspDJVu-s7VfhcSA/edit?usp=sharing

*this is about half of the responses, more to be added to this worksheet

Final draft visualizations (link updated AUG 28): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10nZWe7KYr48CEQgJdQkuAT652l02RaGB/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=107712133375824394765&rtpof=true&sd=true

*Changed vizzes showing average rankings to MEDIAN rankings.


  • When the data includes outliers, the median is better to show than the average, as it isn't affected by extreme values.
  • Data is ordinal (ranks, satisfaction levels). With ordinal data, the median is often more meaningful.
  • The median is helpful in showing the "typical" value/central value in a dataset without being affected by extremes/outliers.

Respondents’ concerns about DLT for digital cultural asset storage X Levels of familiarity:


Update, re: Q3 — only one of the respondents who selected ‘Other’ listed the service they use: Bluehost. The rest (8 respondents total) didn’t fill in the optional text box.
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Also, Q16 got skipped in the viz process but I caught it, so here’s the viz for that one:
screenshot_2024-08-28_at_9 39 22___am_720

New viz for collection scale X bytesize
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and another for Budget X Role
screenshot_2024-08-28_at_9 42 00___am_720

Updated slides have been added to the Drive.