
two question about read file

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello, I have some questions for you.


if I want to read file in ROOT, what should I do?

for example:

a file is D:\ALL\javaidea\apache-tomcat-8.5.50-src\source\webapps\test.txt

Can I read this? I tried a lot, but I couldn't solve it.:(

second: Can I read it in springboot?

also, I tried a lot, but I couldn't solve it.:(


To read files in the ROOT application, just use --webapp=ROOT or remove completely the --webapp option (not 100% sure).

Regarding the springboot question, I don't really know but if the Tomcat version is affected and the AJP port exposed, it should work. Please note that I did not find the Ghostcat vulnerability, you might reach directly the researchers who found it.