
[BUG] Excludes = "*" is not working in 2.2.17

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Pyprland version

▶ pypr version

Describe the bug
Hi, I just update pyprland from 2.2.5 and excludes = "*" stops working. Please let me know if I can help reproduce the bug. Thanks!

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open terminal scratchpad
  2. Open messenger scratchpad
  3. Observe that both scratchpads are shown

Expected behavior
The terminal would be automatically hidden when we only messenger scratchpad because messenger has excludes="*"

Configuration (provide following files/samples when relevant):

  • pyprland.toml
plugins = [

command = "alacritty -t __scratchpad"
animation = ""
lazy = true
unfocus = ""
size = "50% 50%"
position = "25% 25%"
excludes = "*"

command = "caprine"
animation = ""
unfocus = ""
lazy = true
size = "50% 50%"
position = "25% 25%"
excludes = "*"
class = "Caprine"
match_by =  "class"

Additional context

Thank you a lot for this report!
Fixed in the git version.