
[BUG] Nix Flake build failed: "No module name 'hatchling' for pygments"

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Pyprland version
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commit cb4de47

Describe the bug
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On NixOS, flake installation fails on building

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Build package from flake
  2. get an error

Expected behavior
installation without error

Additional context

It is not a pyprland problem, rather a packaging issue in nix.
Do you have a way to report issues related to nix packages?

Try installing the "asyncio" package for your OS if it works,
then you can always run pyprland the following way without installing it (just clone it):

PYTHONPATH=/path/to/cloned/pyprland python -m pyprland.command help

So it's easy to work your packaging issues around and still run pyprland until the package is fixed.

should be resolved by #49

@fedoranvar this seems to have been fixed, if you still have some issues building on Nix, reopen this ticket please.