
[BUG] Scratchpad stays on screen when hidden after reconnecting monitor

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Pyprland version

Describe the bug
When disconnecting external monitor scratchpad will always stays on screen. When hidden it show on top of all windows and is unable to focus. When shown it behaves as usual. The problem stays after all of: close scratchapd window, hyprctl reload, restart pypr.

To Reproduce

  1. Scratchpad is shown on external monitor
  2. Disconnect monitor
  3. Observe wrong behavior on laptop screen. Stays broken after connecting monitor

Expected behavior
Behave as usual: hide scratchpad completely

Configuration (provide following files/samples when relevant):

  • pyprland.toml
        command = "wezterm start --class term-quake"
        position = "0% 0%"
        size = "100% 50%"
  • hyprland.conf
          bind = ,T, exec, pypr toggle term-quake
          bind = ,T, submap, reset
          $term_quake = ^(term-quake)$
          windowrule = workspace special silent,$term_quake
          windowrule = float,$term_quake

Additional context
I was able to fix manually by hyprctl dispatch togglespecialworkspace scratch_term-quake. After that works as expected.

I don't reproduce this issue the same way as you, I can't figure the scenario which triggers it on my system.
Anyway, I did some reasonable change in the git version which is very likely to fix the problem. Would you have a chance to test it and provide some feedback?

I think there is another issue visible with the monitors plugin when scratchpads are visible and the monitors are re-layout.
I think this is a problem in general of floating windows when moving the screens layout, the floating windows aren't "following" the shift (in case a monitor changes place).
Do you confirm ? Maybe you are also hitting this problem...

Not sure if this one concerns you too, but for the related hyprland problem, I opened an issue: hyprwm/Hyprland#4765

I also face a problem sometimes (not easy to identify) where special workspaces are made visible while they were not after a monitor change... this could add to the symtom but I don't think it's pyprland related.

I don't reproduce this issue the same way as you, I can't figure the scenario which triggers it on my system. Anyway, I did some reasonable change in the git version which is very likely to fix the problem. Would you have a chance to test it and provide some feedback?

Hi. Yes, on the last commit I can't reproduce it, seems fine. Thanks!