
[BUG] animation = "" produces buggy behaviour

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Pyprland version
pyprland 2.0.8, installed via pipx

Describe the bug
Scratchpads work properly with animations enabled. When animations are disabled, the window doesn't float and disrupts the workspace layout.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a scratchpad with the following settings:
    [scratchpads.notes] command = "emacs --name notes ~/documents/org/main.org" class = "notes" animation = "" margin = 50 size = "90% 90%" max_size = "1920px 100%" lazy = true
  2. run pypr toggle notes

Expected behavior
animation="" should produce a toggleable floating window.
Configuration (provide following files/samples when relevant):

  • pyprland.toml
    [scratchpads.notes] command = "emacs --name notes ~/documents/org/main.org" class = "notes" animation = "" margin = 50 size = "90% 90%" max_size = "1920px 100%" lazy = true

  • hyprland.conf
    bind = $mod,w,exec,pypr toggle notes

Additional context

I agree, note you can easily set it floating in the hyprland config, but I'll fix that so it's aligned with other scratchpad configs.