
[FEAT] Magnify: relative value; float value

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I want to bind zooming in/out to scroll wheel, like in web browser;
For more smoothing effect float value for zooming would be good

Describe the solution you'd like
Implementing relative value to zoom ;
implementing float value for zooming

e.g. pypr zoom +0.5

Describe alternatives you've considered
with keybinding, changing value in file for runtime absolute zoom value and pasting it into pypr zoom <value>

found out, that i can solve this by using misc:cursor_zoom_factor in hyprland

How did you manage to "increase" or "decrease" ?
It still sounds like something nice to add :)

here is my binds:

  bind = $mainModCTRL, equal, exec, nu -c "hyprctl keyword misc:cursor_zoom_factor ([(hyprctl getoption misc:cursor_zoom_factor -j | jq -r '.float' | into float), 0.5] | math sum)"
  bind = $mainModCTRL, minus, exec, nu -c "hyprctl keyword misc:cursor_zoom_factor ([(hyprctl getoption misc:cursor_zoom_factor -j | jq -r '.float' | into float), -0.5] | math sum)"
  bind = $mainModCTRL, 0, exec, hyprctl keyword misc:cursor_zoom_factor 1